2018 Fall Conference, Ellucian Live

2018 Fall Conference

The executive team of the Alabama Banner Users Group is proud to announce the eighth annual Fall Conference will be held November 14-16, 2018 at Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Alabama. Come enjoy a packed three days of learning and collaborating.

Complete details and a tentative agenda are available on the ALBUG website at http://albug.org/fall-conference/. Conference registration will open on July 13, 2018.

Pre-Conference Workshops
As in 2017, we plan to offer multiple pre-conference training workshops.  The topics for these training workshops have not yet been finalized, but we expect them to be day-long workshops (9am-4pm on Wednesday, November 14th) geared toward specific products and/or functional groups.  Please let us know if you have a recommendation for a specific training workshop topic.

Call for Presentations
The ongoing success of the ALBUG annual conference is greatly dependent on the session content delivered by our fellow colleagues from around the state.  If you have a session topic you would like to present OR would like to suggest a topic, please complete our Call For Proposal form on the ALBUG website.  Lead presenters on sessions approved for the conference will receive a discounted conference fee. Call for presentation proposal deadline is June 15, 2018.

ALBUG Lunch at Ellucian Live

If you are attending Ellucian Live in San Diego, please make plans to join us for the Alabama Banner Users Group lunch on Wednesday, April 11 at 12:45pm Visit the Ellucian Live schedule builder and add session EL155472 to your schedule! Just pick up your boxed lunch and come share great ideas, present questions, discuss future meetings, and network with other Alabama users.